Vendor Marketplace

Sell you products and Offer Direct Customer Support (coming Soon...)

Empowering Small Business

5% Selling Fee (Processing Included)

We pride ourselves on our honesty. With a flat 5% selling fee, vendors can be assured there are no hidden charges or monthly fees lurking in the shadows. Every penny you earn, you know exactly where it’s going.

Grow Beyond Our Borders

At Cemotors, we see ourselves as a launchpad. While vendors can enjoy a vast customer base on our platform, we encourage them to make business connections outside our marketplace. This approach ensures businesses have the freedom to expand and aren't tied down.

Direct Connection

Unlike other platforms like eBay, Vendor Connect allows businesses to offer direct customer support. We believe in transparency, and that's why we don’t hide any vendor information. This fosters trust and lays the foundation for long-lasting business relationships.


Every business is unique, and we celebrate that. Our intuitive interface allows vendors to list thousands of products with ease. Beyond that, vendors can customize their online store, ensuring it mirrors their brand identity and resonates with their target audience.

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